Monday, 30 January 2017

End of an era ...

... start of a new one. After three years in Berkhamsted, Haresfoot Brewery has relocated to Chesham. My co-directors decided that they want to focus on landlord sales rather than directly to the public via the shop and on-site events. As a consequence they have joined forces with GIG and set up at their secure premises along the road from Haresfoot Farm. GIG is a catering company which services large scale events and festivals, so there may be good opportunity for growth. But I am following a different path, one focussing more on the town and local community, and my route to becoming a beer sommelier. This starts with the 3rd annual Berkhamsted beer and music festival aka BerkoBeerFest on 22nd April at Berkhamsted’s Civic Centre. I wish my co-directors well  it’s been a hell of a roller-coaster of a journey. I have learned a lot about beer and business but its time to move on.