Despite a year of preparation it was still all a bit, with the brewery kit arriving on the Sunday, installed on the
Monday and the first brew in progress on the Tuesday. After the brew day, where
the malt and hops are added, the wort was transferred to the fermentation
vessels where the yeast does its magic. Four days later the beer was racked into
barrels (firkins) and left to condition for three weeks.
Our production team are on their third brew already, but it
was only yesterday that the first firkin left the brewery. We are having a
sneaky tasting at the Berkhamsted Cricket Club and if the beer is palatable we
then ship to the pubs. I’ll be honest with you, we don’t expect this first beer
to be ground-breaking, we are playing it safe and the focus is on quality and
consistency. We want people to think “that’s alright, I’ll have another” and don’t
expect “wow that is f’ing amazing” – but if that happens then we would be over
the moon.
Lock Keeper’s is a 3.9% ABV copper coloured bitter, made
with English Challenger and Goldings hops combined with a blend of pale,
crystal and chocolate malt topped off with some terrified wheat (to give it a
head). I’ve had an early taste and it is not bad, not bad at all, but I may be
bias – you’ll have to try it and let us know what you think. Once we have
cracked Lock Keeper’s we can then experiment with a wider range of beers,
including an American Pale Ale, Blonde Beer and Light Mild.
You may not know that we have two breweries in one
positioned in parallel. We have one Hot Liquor Tank but two Mash Tuns and two
Coppers. One plant is 12 bbl, producing 48 firkins, and the other is 2.5 bbl,
producing 10 firkins. The smaller kit allows us to experiment on smaller
quantities before producing a full on brew. It also allows us to host brewing
experience days and corporate team-building events. We only know of one other
brewery with a dual plant, so we’ll take that as a USP along with being the
only brewery in Berkhamsted for 100 years.
Whilst our production team have been busy brewing, the marketing
team have been getting the pump clips, glasses and t-shirts ready, plus organising
events and market stalls, plus creating a retail area out of old office furniture and a bar out of builder's planks. We sell beer
over the counter to passing trade on the afternoon of Maundy Thursday then
Easter Saturday. From then on we will open the shop early Friday evening and
Saturday afternoons. Come and say hello.
If you can't ne nothered to reasd this blog then take a look at the video on our story and how we buildt a brewery.
If you can't ne nothered to reasd this blog then take a look at the video on our story and how we buildt a brewery.
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